A new year, a new direction



2014 will be an interesting year for us as we have entered our third year in trading, and I have been told that year three is the make-or-break year for business. We are grateful that despite the unsettling economical period, we have been growing steadily and our Christmas sales have been our best yet.

We will be making some changes in 2014, including postponing the change of the focus theme from October to April/ May, hence, the current theme will stay until spring 2015. Though we will continue to introduce new products surrounding the three themes: work, live and play. This change will enable us to focus more on developing and growing the business as well as working on the distribution side. And since Christmas is the busiest season for all retail and e-tailers, moving the new launch from October to April/ May will also allow us to have more time to prepare for Christmas.

I will soon be making another long trip to Asia, and this time, I will attend two trade events in Singapore and Shanghai. Previously, I have been slightly hesitant about Chinese designed and made products, but I also have witnessed the rapid changes in China, and I believe that it is time to explore the emerging Chinese design scene. I hope this trip will be a fruitful one.

During the past year, we have been contacted by designers, buyers, advertisers, bloggers and industry people from all over the world, it still amazes me how a small e-commerce that has spent hardly any budget on marketing could reach so many! I believe it is mostly down to the power of the internet and social media.

I would like to thank everyone’s support, and I hope that the new year will bring positive changes to us and to all of you.

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