The other art & Parallax art fairs

David ShillinglawJack Teagle Ego Leonard

Top: 50 ft installation of work by David Shillinglaw; Bottom left: Jack Teagle; Bottom right: Ego Leonard


Although I am not a big fan of mega art fairs, I would support smaller art fairs and independent artists who may not be represented by galleries. These fairs also provide an opportunity for visitors to meet and talk to the artists directly rather than through gallery representatives.

The annual joint The Other art fair and Moniker art fair at Old Truman Brewery offers a platform for emerging talents as well as street artists. Once upon a time, street art was seen as subculture, now it is becoming more mainstream and collectors can purchase unconventional artworks produced by urban artists at the Moniker art fair.


Junkyard games by Mark Powell VermibusMister E DaweFidia Falaschetti Fidia Falaschetti

Top left: Mark Powell‘s ‘Junkyard games’; Top right: Berlin-based artist Vermibus; 2nd row: Mister E Dawe’s ‘Anvil’; Last row: Fidia Falaschetti’s ‘Cuntdown’ & ‘Freaky Mouse’


At The Other Art Fair, aside from paintings and sculptures, there were also ceramics, illustrations and prints, paper crafts and photography by 130 emerging artists. The event was casual and less glamourous than Frieze but a good place to start for a new art collector.


keira rathbone Nicolas Moussettevas zavialovdamilola odusote IMG_1257The other art fair

Top left: Keira Rathbone‘s typewriter art; Top right: Nicolas Moussette‘s ‘Cité imaginaire’ 2nd row: Vas Zavialov‘s London slang map; 3rd row left: Damilola Odusote; 3rd row right: Timothy Information Limited; Bottom: printmaking workshop


Gerry Buxtondan rawlingsP1100930Chowwai Cheung myung nam anolivier legerroys people Alexander Korzer-Robinson

Top left: Gerry Buxton‘s Barbican screen print; Top midde: Dan Rawlings; 2nd row left: Chowwai Cheung‘s collagraph ‘Villa Musica’; 2nd row right: Myung Nam An‘s ceramics; 3rd row: Olivier Leger‘s illustration; Bottom left: Roys people; Bottom right: Alexander Korzer-Robinson‘s hand cut art


parallax art fair parallax art fair Duda Marques dos Santos

Parallax art fair at Chelsea Town Hall; Bottom right: Duda Marques dos Santos‘s ‘lights’ series


The week after, I attended the preview of Parallax art fair (free entry) at Chelsea Town Hall for the first time. With over 200 established and emerging artists, there were many interesting artworks to be found too.

I was glad to have met Japanese artist/sculptor Kiyomi Sakaguchi, who has had her solo exhibitions in Japan and Germany and was exhibiting at the show for the first time. Ms Sakaguchi‘s sculptures are installed in many institutions, public spaces in Japan, but at the fair, she showed mainly her ink drawings on Japanese paper.

This art fair is probably not as well known as the other art fairs in London, but I think it is worth checking out and being free does not mean the standard is lower than other fairs.

The next show will take place at Chelsea Town Hall from 28th Feb until 1st March.


Sally Dunne Karina SavageKiyomi sakaguchihae byn yoon luigi viscontithree eyes man design

Top left: Sally Dunne‘s illustrations; Top right: Karina Savage‘s ‘Red Parabola’ Lino cut with chine collé; 2nd row: Kiyomi Sakaguchi; 3rd row left: Hae Byn Yoon‘s ‘Perspective studies’; 3rd row right: Luigi Visconti; Bottom row: Three eyes man design‘s hand-drawn wood work


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