The last days of autumn

I love British summers but my favourite time of the year is still autumn. Although we don’t have spectacular autumn foliage like Canada, United States, Japan and Korea, where people would travel annually to specific spots to watch fall colours; we can still take some time to appreciate the beauty of the autumn.

Last week, I was working in the office feeling slightly stressed out and down, so I decided to go for a walk in the heath on a rather misty and grey day. My mood did not change until I started noticing different colours in the surroundings and the beautiful works of art created by the seemingly hard working spiders!

The dew on the spider’s webs made them stand out more than usual and I was totally fascinated… Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera on me, so I used my phone to capture these unique creations.

Walking back home, my mood was lifted and the stress from work slowly melted away. It is a shame that city office workers don’t get chances like this during their work hours ( I was one of them) because I believe that nature can help to reduce stress and improve productivity.

All of a sudden, I wish I could spend more time being in nature; as winter approaches, I know it’s less unlikely to happen.

If only autumn could stay for just a little bit longer…



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